Partners: Storti S.r.l. and Onlus Hands
Photos credits: Castellan Curzio
Since few years, in Italy, there is a renaissance of hemp cultivation, but only the seeds are used, not the fibre, because since the success of cotton and synthetics as well as the relocation of textile production to south-east Asia, the hemp fibre processing industry has been completely abandoned in Italy. Campo Libero wants to reintroduce it by suggesting a short chain production systems that starts with agriculture, proceeds with the extraction of fibre and finally produces products all on a local level. The missing key is the introducing of a mobile fibre extracting machine, which can be operated directly on the farms by the farmers.
Craftsmen and designers in the same locality co-develop and produce a series of products.
The decentralised system aims to connect farmers, designers and craftsmen.
When moved to other provinces it adapts to the agricultural, technical and cultural characteristics, and thus generates economic and cultural value.
More info IlSole24Ore